Finally ,I decided to write a personal entry here in my blog!Wow,this is quite an accomplishment,I must say.
hahaha... I always have excuses for not doing things I'm suppose to be doing. I can be very lazy too sometimes.In addition,I am a very moody person and always have major mood swings just like most of the normal teens in this planet[well, as you know guys,the parts of the brain that regulate emotions, rather than reasoning, are more likely to be engaged when teens find themselves in emotionally-charged situations.In short, we act impulsively!yea..I find that true] Everything I do depends on my mood..So yeah..Today,I'm in the mood to write.
Anyway, It has been three weeks since we left California and moved to Las Vegas,NV.And it's been approximately a year and four months since we left Philippines and moved to US. So, considering that, this whole idea of moving to a different place, switching schools, adjusting to a new cetera.. shouldn't be new to me. You know what I mean..
However, the fact that I am becoming more accustomed to moving to different places does not necessarily mean that I like the very idea of it. Well,that is just a big NO. Because I really don't. I despise it with a do.But I mean, seriously.Who would want to go to a different school every year?That's insane. I wouldn't be surprise if next year we'll move back to Morgan LA..or Philippines!!..
When we finally came here in Vegas, I was sorta pissed. My parents can really tell I was. I was really bitter about it. Just like when I first came here in US. My friends, people who have been close to my heart...I don't want to forget them...Or maybe...I don't want them to forget me. :(
I can be very narrow minded sometimes. I tend to reject or resist changes. Well, of course I would have to learn to accept those changes but it usually takes time for me to do so. It really does. "Accepting things and circumstances as they are." I really have to work on that.
He who rejects change is the architect of decay.
The only human institution which rejects progress is the cemetery.
~Harold Wilson
If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it.
~Mary Engelbreit
*(Refer to the image on the right->) I was rummaging on my old photo album earlier today and I found this old photo.This was taken at San Francisco Golden Bridge two years ago. My family and I just came to America and I was only fourteen years old by then! Boy, I was really skinny! You can tell I was still adjusting and all. Just look at that thick jacket I was wearing.It wasn't even that cold to be honest.hehe.
*(<-Refer to the image on the left) I was with Ate Allaine (she's a very good friend of mine) on this picture. We were inside her car and we were heading to a friend's house. This was taken a week ago. Apparently, we were already in Las Vegas. I recently turned 16 two months ago (June 7 to be exact)(mark your calendars!yee!jk). A lot of things have changed during those two years. Well first, I have gain some weight!woohoo!jk.Okay, serious. I think I've become a more mature individual, able to decide for myself and able to tell what's right from wrong. Albeit Iam still a bit impulsive sometimes and I am very vulnerable to making wrong decisions in life, I really endeavor to prevent the recurrence of my past mistakes. I am still in the whole process of learning. And hopefully I'll continue to learn more of life's valuable lesson here in my new home,Las Vegas.♥
Life is just a chance to grow a soul. ~A.Powell Davies
denise on 12:26 PM