an impulse to write.

Where has the time gone?seriously.Yesterday I was preparing myself for the inception of the school year and now Iam suddenly cramming for the upcoming finals.Dang!
So yea..I have been meaning to write in my blog.swear..But obviously my attempts were futile because it's either my sched. is full, I need to catch up with my sleep, axons and dendrites would not send any impulse for me to write..OR muscle fingers need more calcium to be able to press the keys and type. ALL of the above. but it's usually option A.Schedules are always loaded.
This will be hard.summarizing all the events that happened during my one month of absence here.But Imma try to be extra concise. We don't want the readers(if there is any) to suffer boredom.(not like the reason they're reading this is not solely out of boredom.We don't want this entry to exacerbate their suffering)

So yea..Here we go.I'm gunna start with this little convo I had with my big cousin (using AIM) which I will share to you guys 'cuz I love you that mucho.
Please note that the SN's were altered for privacy.

It was Nov 2 and I was really (I mean really!!) tired. Teachers bombarded us with tons o' homework.So right after I had my hws done I went straight to my bed to have my much desired..nap. I missed lunch and dinner.oh heck yea.I was in desperate need of sleep. However, I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night and man I was starving. But instead of getting some snack I checked my emails instead.hehe.
Caught my big Cousin Anthony in AIM and what the heck I kinda miss him.So we had a lil chitchat.

This is some kind of an Inside joke "thing" so I understand if this does not make any sense to you.sorry!

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Lol.I realized four things.
1. My imagination is on its peak when I go to bed tired, starving.And it works the best at
2.I have an imaginary asian friend all along.
3.It is impossible to have a decent convo with me at midnight.(pls.take note)
4.I have great skills in mocking people.

^ oh please do not take that seriously. yea. Bye for now.
I will TRY to post more entries later!!

oh wait.I tagged Timmie!

current mood: Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

lol.i found these lil monkey icons on photobucket.Aren't they cute?Imma use them from now on.

currently listening to :

denise on 9:43 AM