[ feeling-pensive & stimulated ]
[listeningto-Return To Innocence-Enigma]


[Picture taken gazillion years ago.Excuse my jungle-like room and my "The Monday" expression.]

I've been feeling less and less productive everyday. Albeit, I've almost accomplished all that needs to be done,school-wise. It just feels weird and wrong. I invariably find myself at loose ends. I need some direction.


Junior Year means GetyourbuttoffyourcomfortzonesandtakeSATprepclass Year. And I did.For 3 months. It was worth it. Certainly not to blame though...for my frequent missing in action status in blogsphere and candyteentalk,friendster,myspace,deviantArt. And not to mention my screwed up Archives section (missing April and January) due to my lack of updates.I think my BFF laptop is more culpable.

There were days when I'd trade blogging for a grande strawberry frapp and 2-hr girlie talks with Marenel. Just think things through and such...


Friday nights have officially become StarbucksWithMarenel night.


And well..Chocolate's my Brain Stimulator! (WHAT?!)

denise on 3:12 PM