[ feeling-pensive & stimulated ]
[listeningto-Return To Innocence-Enigma]
[Picture taken gazillion years ago.Excuse my jungle-like room and my "The Monday" expression.]
I've been feeling less and less productive everyday. Albeit, I've almost accomplished all that needs to be done,school-wise. It just feels weird and wrong. I invariably find myself at loose ends. I need some direction.
Junior Year means GetyourbuttoffyourcomfortzonesandtakeSATprepclass Year. And I did.For 3 months. It was worth it. Certainly not to blame though...for my frequent missing in action status in blogsphere and candyteentalk,friendster,myspace,deviantArt. And not to mention my screwed up Archives section (missing April and January) due to my lack of updates.I think my BFF laptop is more culpable.
There were days when I'd trade blogging for a grande strawberry frapp and 2-hr girlie talks with Marenel. Just think things through and such...
Friday nights have officially become StarbucksWithMarenel night.
And well..Chocolate's my Brain Stimulator! (WHAT?!)

This picture pretty much sums up my spring break.
I'll post again when the right impulse hits me. Adios.
There is one kind of robber whom the law does not strike at, and who steals what
is most precious to men: time
So yea..I have been meaning to write in my blog.swear..But obviously my attempts were futile because it's either my sched. is full, I need to catch up with my sleep, axons and dendrites would not send any impulse for me to write..OR muscle fingers need more calcium to be able to press the keys and type. ALL of the above. but it's usually option A.Schedules are always loaded.
This will be hard.summarizing all the events that happened during my one month of absence here.But Imma try to be extra concise. We don't want the readers(if there is any) to suffer boredom.(not like the reason they're reading this is not solely out of boredom.We don't want this entry to exacerbate their suffering)
So yea..Here we go.I'm gunna start with this little convo I had with my big cousin (using AIM) which I will share to you guys 'cuz I love you that mucho.
Please note that the SN's were altered for privacy.
It was Nov 2 and I was really (I mean really!!) tired. Teachers bombarded us with tons o' homework.So right after I had my hws done I went straight to my bed to have my much desired..nap. I missed lunch and dinner.oh heck yea.I was in desperate need of sleep. However, I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night and man I was starving. But instead of getting some snack I checked my emails instead.hehe.
Caught my big Cousin Anthony in AIM and what the heck I kinda miss him.So we had a lil chitchat.
This is some kind of an Inside joke "thing" so I understand if this does not make any sense to you.sorry!
Lol.I realized four things.
1. My imagination is on its peak when I go to bed tired, starving.And it works the best at
2.I have an imaginary asian friend all along.
3.It is impossible to have a decent convo with me at midnight.(pls.take note)
4.I have great skills in mocking people.
^ oh please do not take that seriously.
Okai.so yea. Bye for now.
I will TRY to post more entries later!!
oh wait.I tagged Timmie!
current mood:
lol.i found these lil monkey icons on photobucket.Aren't they cute?Imma use them from now on.
currently listening to :
Schedules changed.
Dad leaves for work at 5am.
Lil sis(school)-7:00am..
So now I am suddenly the last one to leave the house.Well, nothing's really wrong with that. I mean, makin' sure all the windows are close,all lights off, doors locked...blah..blah..blah...pssh.. piece of cake(yeah right). Except that I am so scatty, so absentminded (I seriously think sometimes, I have some sort of a glitch in my brain) that these simple tasks before deserting the house, I forget to do. Yes, I know. My thoughts are sometimes( or maybe most of the time) can be..errr..UNORGANIZED.darn it, but what can I do?
.. and my mom would utter her famous lines like she owns this phrase..."hay ano ka ba naman anak, ang bata bata mo pa..ulyanin mo na, e bakit ako mas matanda ako sayo pero di naman ako ganyan!" whenever I go home from school without my newly purchased handkerchief on my hand because I lost them some place.( btw, I have lost hundreds of 'em I decided to stop sporting them hankies after my junior yr in higschool(PI))
Neway, back to the topic 'bout the sched. changes.So yeah my Dad, probably because he's been so used to my scattiness and forgetfulness(he knows it's impossible for me to leave the house with all the "simple lil tasks" accomplished), posted a small note beside our door...
^the notes!
1. Turn off the lights.
2. Unplug all the cords/cables
3. Check if the door is lock.
4. Check if your computer is off.
5. Call Marinel early if no one's bringing you to
Well first I just kinda scoff at this (I meant,my dad's scheme to help me remember stuff so I wouldn't burn the house down) ...and then after realizing why my dad posted the note (his actions apparently suggested that my brain is that chaotic right?)..I felt....geezz..dumb!..
Oh well.. Thank God I am not this forgetful when it comes to school-related stuffs!
Btw, I tagged my friend/ co -teentalker/co-lunatic Gazell a.k.a Gaganda!
Miss you too sis!
busybusybusy life.neway...lot's of things have happened this past mos.don't know how to take em all in my system.guess I just have to go with the flow.For the past mos. life has taught me so much..honestly....I have come to realize that life is soo....sooo unpredictable. You cannot write your autobiography in advance.Life is a manuscript, a work in progress.
Life is a unpredictable.so one should be ready to swerve, careen because you'll never know when life's gunna throw problems at you.right?
& I am kinda getting the hang of doing this swerving thing. Because I can't just let problems punch me so hard like that. ya know what I'm saying?
SO. here's a list I made. 2 Things I realize about life during my 1 month of contempating and pondering(and being away from the cyberspace)
Cliche huh?but it is sooo true.
Sometimes we tend to live in the future..or perhaps dwell in the past when
what we should really be doing is live for the moment and and enjoy the present.
I know this forsure because I used to be like that.But Life is short, and time
spent being unhappy is wasted.
"Cherish each hour of this day for it can never return."
-my bestfriend Cheyzer Mendoza/OgMandino
"Life is too short to be bickering about all the pain"
- my friend Allaine Mayor/Lani Misalucha
In this time of my life, I have accepted the fact that we cannot avoid pain.Nor prevent ourselves from experiencing it. There is no escaping from pain.It's inevitable. But it's actually the way we handle the pain that makes it seem worse than it actually is.It's the way we see it, percieve it. Most, laments it, drown oneself of sadness, some feel grateful for it because the pain made them a better person. As for me, I strive to think of pain as a gift with a very specific reason. It's there because we'll learn something from it afterwards.
"We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey." - Kenji Miyazawa
"The problem is not that there are problems. The problem is expecting
otherwise and thinking that having problems is a problem." -
-Theodore Rubin*this blog entry is dedicated to my 2 bestfriends Cheyzer Mendoza and Donna de Jesus.
1.down town Morgan Hill
2.somewhere in Utah*I was trying to depict life through these pics.I took both of them.
Quote credits:http://www.quotegarden.com/